Gillian Morshedi
Board of Directors
Gillian Morshedi is a Senior Directing Attorney for Homebase. Her primary areas of focus and expertise are Coordinated Entry planning, development, and implementation; strategic planning and facilitation; and housing and healthcare coordination and integration, including building partnerships and leveraging mainstream health and other resources to better serve people with housing and behavioral and primary health needs. She is an integral part of our HUD Housing and Healthcare Coordination and Integration Work Group and was the primary Staff Attorney responsible for designing, planning, producing, and facilitating the Housing and Healthcare Systems Integration (H2) action planning sessions held in 20 states around the nation in 2014-2016, as well as overseeing and delivering implementation support for all 20 communities. Gillian also assists with CoC/HEARTH/HMIS legislation, regulation, and implementation by conducting direct technical assistance in San Francisco, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Honolulu, and other communities. Before joining Homebase, she spent five years as a Business Litigation & Dispute Resolution Associate at Foley & Lardner LLP and two years planning conventions. She has also worked for a number of non-profit organizations, including the Georgia Law Center for the Homeless, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Southern Center for Human Rights. Gillian has a BA in Religion from Dartmouth College and a JD with honors from Emory University School of Law. Unfortunately, no major university yet has Ph.D. programs offering degrees in pop culture trivia, television and comedy consumption, or theme-party planning.