Shared Resource Model
CoC Roundtables
Homebase is offering a shared resource model for providing technical assistance to small, rural, semi-rural, and emerging communities.
For CoCs with limited staff, having peers from similar communities and technical assistance support can make the work a lot easier. In this model, we provide similar resources to all participating communities, making these services more affordable and accessible while still being tailored to local needs.
Participating communities will have access to:
Bi-monthly office hours to discuss and get support on any issue that has arisen (which may include: challenges with elected officials, a provider losing key staff, or questions about documentation)
Nine (9) trainings per year with follow up and application activities. Participating communities will choose the training topics, which could be tailored to CoC staff or could include trainings for CoC membership that meet HUD requirements, like the Equal Access Rule and mainstream benefits.
Contact us at emergingcommunities@homebaseccc.org to learn more!
Additional offerings from Homebase include: