Bria Mason
Bria is the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Liaison for McKinley Children’s Center in Southern California and is a member of the American Anthropological Association. She is currently pursuing her Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Studies with the University of Antwerp in Belgium. Her research consists of using visual and digital methods to study culture within the Visual and Digital Cultures Research Center. Her project titled, “Fitting In” is an ethnography that uses qualitative research methods to uncover how African American women’s perception of themselves and others is dependent on their exterior self. Bria has an ongoing interest in travel and loves learning about different cultures and customs. In her earlier years, she had been challenged with obtaining a sustainable solution for housing, so it is a very interesting perspective that she brings on to our board. With her current line of work, Bria hopes to offer insight that will help to build upon and sustain diversity, equity and inclusion efforts within Homebase.
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