The HHIP Implementation Toolkit contains guidance and planning documents intended to support Continuums of Care (CoCs) and homeless assistance partners to engage with their local Medi-Cal managed care plans (MCPs) to efficiently and impactfully implement the Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program (HHIP). Some documents within the Toolkit are intended to directly provide CoCs with critical information about the HHIP program and MCPs’ motivations to meet HHIP metrics. Others are intended to help CoCs communicate to MCPs about their own systems, goals, strengths, and limitations. Each document can be referenced and used separately, depending on the needs of each CoC and community.
The Toolkit is meant to help facilitate communication and planning efforts between CoCs and MCPs. It can help build or strengthen partnerships for successful HHIP implementation. It is also meant to facilitate long-term cross-system coordination and collaboration to improve housing and health outcomes for those experiencing homelessness.
- Introduction and Overview of HHIP
Implementation Toolkit for CoCs
- Fundamentals of Homelessness Response for
Managed Care Plans
- Understanding HHIP Performance Metrics
- Maximizing CalAIM's Enhanced Care
Management (ECM) Benefit and Community
Supports (CS) Services
- CalAIM’s Community Supports: Housing-Related Services
- Bi-lateral Data Sharing Agreement Between a
Continuum of Care and Managed Care Plan
- Needed HMIS Data Elements for Partnering
with Managed Care Plans
- Sample Workflow for Continuums of Care and
Managed Care Plans to Conduct a Client Data