Shebani Rao
Board of Directors
As a Senior Policy Analyst II at Homebase, Shebani supports the Criminal Legal Strategy Initiative, where she works with works at the national, state, and local levels to identify and scale strategies to address the housing needs of people impacted by the criminal legal system through a racial equity lens. She also works with Continuums of Care to provide trainings, technical assistance, and support in evaluating and addressing needs according to evidence-based best practices. Prior to joining Homebase, Shebani worked in Philadelphia City government, where she led the racial equity strategy of the MacArthur Safety and Justice Challenge, a multi-year, systems-change effort to reduce the local jail population and address racial disparities in incarceration. In this role, she led racial equity trainings, worked closely with community members on criminal legal reform, advocated for removing criminal legal fees, and helped expand diversion pathways away from incarceration. Through her time in City government, she also provided research, leadership, and implementation support to tackle issues ranging from expanding benefits access to improving quality of life challenges for Philadelphia residents. Previously, she worked as a Research Analyst at the Urban Institute's Justice Policy Center. Shebani lives in Philadelphia and holds a BA in Sociology from Yale University and a MA in Sociology from the University of Michigan.